NEVA have become the Czech Business Diamond

19. 3. 2020

We always appreciate recognition of our work. Much like winning the third place in the Czech Business Diamonds competition, which we achieved this year. The prize for the most successful Czech companies was received by Jiří Nesvadbík, one of our owners.

The Czech Business Diamonds is a project of the COT media company. The organizers evaluate entrepreneurs from the whole Czech Republic according to their economic outputs and announce the top 10 companies in each region.

In the Olomouc Region, NEVA won the 3rd place. The first place was taken by Arcibiskupské lesy a statky Olomouc, the second by Pe Granit, a kerb and cobblestone supplier.

The award ceremony took place on 25 February in Olomouc and the prize was received by our owner Jiří Nesvadbík and his daughter. “We appreciate the award mainly because it is based on real financial results of all companies in the region. The third place is an indicator that we do our job well. It motivates us to even better results in the upcoming years,” said Nesvadbík.

The COT media company awards the Czech Business Diamonds on the basis of a ranking created by experts from the Bisnode company at the end of each year. They monitor the economic indicators over the past three years, taking account of the growth of revenues and activities or proportion between the economic result after taxation and the owned capital.


Miloslav Matoušek

Miloslav Matoušek has worked in NEVA as a marketing manager since 2018. He studied at the Czech Technical University in Prague and began to study marketing after his studies. He acquired his skills in HANÁK NÁBYTEK and Student Agency. He is concerned with the development of the brand and setting long-term marketing and business goals of the NEVA company.


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